Welcome to INL's Nuclear Data Management and Analysis System (NDMAS). Data housed in NDMAS are available to program participants with approval of the program manager. You must establish an account to access the system.

Already have an account?
Proceed directly to the site.
New to the system and need to register?
In your web browser, complete the account request form and submit the request on line. Be sure to select the application "NDMAS" in the drop-down menu. You will be contacted to determine your justification for access and the identity of an INL program manger to verify your need.
Forgot your password and know your security picture and word?
If you have a Collaboration Portal account, but have forgotten your password, but remember your picture and word, you can use the INL Self Service site to reset your password.
Need help with resetting your security picture and word?
You can also call the INL Help Desk at (208) 526-1000 Option 2 for help in resetting your password.